You thought I died, huh? Nope. Sorry. But I have been thinking about you, my lovely readers, and I know I've totally been neglecting you. So, I'm gonna try to sum up the summer in a post: We'll start on...
You thought I'd left you, huh? Nope. I haven't run away to start another blog, or cheated on you with another web-page. You're stuck with me as I struggle away from my anti-foodie life. Yet, the struggle has been rather...
When I was in high school, I remember every other public school in the greater bay area having this awesome hiatus in February called Ski Week. I was totally jealous because even though February is only 28 days, it seemed...
This may look like Halloween in January... but it's actually my loot from this weekend's Fancy Food Show! I can honestly say that I've never eaten seen so much food in my life! Aisle upon aisle of cheese and chocolate...
More and more I'm finding out that I'm about as helpful in a Chinese restaurant as a book of matches on the moon. I can't order, I can't ask where the bathroom is, I can't get a glass of water....
So I've been seeing other food blogs doing this meme and I thought I'd take a shot: In no particular order, Five things you must try before you die... 1. An Olallieberry Pie at Duarte's Tavern in Pescadero. Notice I...
Since Felix and I met, twelve year ago, I have introduced him to many culinary delicacies. He even remarks every so often that he is now officially spoiled and can’t do things like eat a whole Round Table Pizza or...
"My name is Kristen and I chew gum" "Hi Kristen" It all started as an actress, working close with people, I didn't want to be that actress with nar nar breath. And now, as a teacher, I don't want to...
What? No 26th? Nope. On the 26th of December my mom and I always hit the shops at 8am for the post Christmas sales. At Neiman Marcus we watch little Asian women with little Asian dogs pick up as many...
Back in November my mom called to ask me what I wanted for Christmas: "I really want a cast iron skillet.” "One of those god awful things that my mother use to have back in the 50’s? Those things are...